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About Dr. Eliza Kim


When I graduated from the chiropractic college, my parents had one wish for me as a doctor.  It was to be caring, compassionate and to live in integrity.  Two decades later, I still live by their words.

Chiropractic is truly powerful.  It is a science, philosophy and an art combined in one healing profession.  Chiropractic is beyond subluxations and pain.  It heals not only physically but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

My personal promise is to deliver an exceptional care with specific, yet gentle chiropractic adjustments to help the body re-establish structural integrity, combined with science-based functional nutrition to build the foundation of wellness.  I believe when the patients are heard and understood, the magical experiences and the miracles can happen.

My wish for you is to be the happiest and the healthiest YOU by freely expressing your own innate intelligence to achieve optimal healing potential.

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